
Instructing outdoor technical skills.

In the first semester of the Outdoor Adventure program, in October 2022, I completed the Flatwater Canoe course at Wilderness Tours. The goal of this course is to learn basic flatwater canoe skills and theory including canoe construction, equipment, and strokes for both tandem and solo paddling. At the end of the course successful students, including myself, earn a Paddle Canada Instructor certification. This course is a way to prove my ability to instruct outdoor technical skills. See the photo of me canoeing at sunrise in Algonquin Park

In order to pass the course I had to demonstrate my paddling and instruction skills. I had to create lesson plans for a canoe skill and and element of canoe theory. I chose to instruct my peers in how to paddle forward when tandem paddling and about canoe design/construction. You can check out my lesson plans below.

For my paddling forward lesson I received mostly positive feedback. I was able to keep track of time, staying within the appointed 15 minutes, I included all the important information and demonstrations, and I kept the students (my peers) on track. The thing I needed to improve was to speak louder, something I have since much improved. For my canoe design/construction class I was suggested to make it more fun by including a game or interactive activity instead of just talking at the students.

See Paddling Forward Canoe Lesson

See Canoe Design & Construction Lesson