Consistently demonstrate professional communication strategies, including written, spoken, and digital applications.
Throughout the Outdoor Adventure Program I have had several opportunities to demonstrate professional communication strategies through written, spoken, and digital applications. During my first semester in the Marketing the Tourism Experience course I presented a sales pitch for a yoga hike business with Heather and Chandler. Later on, during my fourth semester I furthered upon the idea for Flow Thru Nature. I adapted the idea, created a business plan for the Business of Outdoor Adventure course, and a digital marketing plan for the course Digital Marketing for Outdoor Adventure. For the digital marketing plan I did several sales pitches and for the business report I presented the plan to my professor and peers.
For each of these assignments I have created written reports, given oral presentations, and presentation digital applications like powerpoints and graphic ads. See the Flow Thru Nature Instagram ad I designed.
Given all these opportunities I have had the chance to improve my professional communication. I have gotten better with keeping things to the point, speaking loudly enough, and keeping my audience engaged.
See Flow Thru Nature presentation (traditional marketing)