Business Management
Identify and develop business and management strategies to capitalize on opportunities in the adventure industry.
I learned the most about business management in the fourth semester of the Outdoor Adventure program during the Business of Outdoor Adventure course. I was assigned to build upon previous accounting, marketing, human resources, and industry courses in program to plan, establish, and manage a business in the outdoor adventure industry. There is a major focus on financial planning and budgeting during this course. This was a great opportunity to identify and develop business and management strategies to capitalize on opportunities in the adventure industry.
This business opportunity assignment was comprised of several parts including; a business proposal, an overview of the industry, a marketing approach (including a graphic ad), financials, and a business presentation. See the video below for a peak at one of the digital ads, an Instagram story, for Flow Thru Nature.
Through this assignment I have learned how much actually goes into starting a business, even for a business that seems fairly straightforward. Working on the budget alone was very enlightening. There are so many costs that go into starting and running a client facing business.